José Carlos de Almeida - Projeto Criança em Movimento Obesidade Infantil em Maracaju: Project Child Moving renews partnership with the Community Council in Maracaju / MS.

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011

Project Child Moving renews partnership with the Community Council in Maracaju / MS.

On May 9, 2011 at 15hs, happened on the premises of the Forum Maracaju / MS, the meeting covering the first year of the Project Child Moving through Caldance Clinic Physical Activity in the person of Jose Carlos de Almeida, head and founder of project, in partnership with the Community Council along with its members and the judge for the 2nd Circuit, Rubens Witzel Son, and the same who presided over the meeting. At issue, José Carlos de Almeida presented the results corresponding to 12 months, providing opportunities for 10 students to participate in the program in physical activities within the Clinic, and the statistical results and exceeded expectations, noting that within the evaluated results, we had three lines search, the first analysis with clinical examinations for Diabetes, Cholesterol, Triglycerides and blood count in the second analysis, we had the skinfolds, circumference measurements in the third stage of the research question that got the biggest weight imbalance. Once there was a myth with respect to physical activity in gyms for children and adolescents, we had a wonderful diagnosis, thereby breaking a barrier that children and adolescents could not carry out activities in academia. Once the program is well developed, and the main which is family interacting constantly in the process, it is enough that the individual results are achieved, provided there is a work commitment and implementation, complementing José Carlos. Activities are balanced according to the physical reality of each student / patient, some students develop more stamina, some very sedentary lifestyle, some with different symptoms and / or injury due to weight, and so on, the aerobic activity is the mechanism that stimulates motor experiences, different school activities or the like at school can be said to learn the life experience with motor laterality, balance, sense of space / time between other stimuli that involve human movement and psychomotor. In question academia, developed the prevalence of treatment / prevention Childhood Obesity on the issue, and the results obtained, shows that we are on track, I am proud to see a work of almost 10 years of research and studies being put into practice and getting amazing results, and we're not here, a new group of students from state school Manoel Ferreira de Lima with 20 children and adolescents will be part of the program in a new study that begins in July 2011. José Carlos thanked his name forward to Caldance Clinic Physical Activity and especially on behalf of 10 families being served by the Community Council and the 13 families served by the Clinic Physical Activity for free, without a doubt, believed the accountability the project and has heightened the expectations for the program will grow each day that passes this way in giving credibility, respect, to carry on showing the role of the Professional Physical Education, and other professionals who are involved directly or indirectly future in this great project, bringing more benefit to society. Every study comes against the reality of each child / adolescent who are part of Project Children in Motion, or in physical and motor issues, Psychological, Clinical / Laboratory, preventive / treatment and now focusing on the issue of Bariatric Surgery, where recently Clinic Physical Activity formalized the partnership in Research and Lecture with the Institute of Digestive apparatus, concludes José Carlos.
Source: Clinical Physical Activity Caldance - José Carlos de Almeida CREF: 3091-G/MS

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